Friday, March 12, 2010

The Love of My Life

Let me introduce to you to My Familia..

Abah yg cool and tak byk ckp..

Mama yg garang -_-"

Adik yg dulunye gemok and slalu gaduh!

My Sis yg annoying! Haha.. Slalu kne marah dgn I

Meet My Besties..


Zatil! Hehe, this cute lil makcik is my BFF since Form 1. Oh I rindu zaman skolah. I remember the first time I met Til. We were in the same class. One day, she came to me to ask for some advice about a guy. I ni Dr Love tau dl eventhough tak penah ade BF! LOL! I igt lagi tau full name org tu. But cannot disclose the details here as she will definitely kill me if she read this. Huhu. Since tu, la both of us jd BFF :)).
Our junior even called us twins! Haha. Really miss those days.

Mas~ I knal this sweet lady masa form 3. Time ni x bape rapat lg. Just knal sbb we were in the same class time tu. Actually, Mas was quite close with Shena masa skola and same time Mas baik dgn Til. So, secara x langsung we all berempat sorf of "bergabung" and jd BFF! :)

Sharina/Shena/Jepun/Juon! Hehe. This pretty lady is Cik Shena. Dia ni mix Chinese sbb tu nampak mcm amoi. I knal die pon masa 1 class form 3. Start rapat masa form 4 and 5 sbb time tu Mas and Til dapat pi MRSM. Sedih gile time tu siap nangis sbb dorang dpt MRSM kat Kuala Lipis! Jauh ok! Susah nak contact and xle jumpe slalu dah. Since tu I start rapat dgn Shena.

Okay. Tu je. Sekian.


Did I miss something??


Hehe. Ada lagi! My Other half :). My Fiance. My husband-to-be. My Love. My Mok!

Time kteorg kurus a few years back. LOL!

Semakin gemok! Huahua.. This picture was taken last year. Skrg jgn tanya, lagi sehat! -_-"

Saya sayang mereka² semua :)



  1. haahahaha..YESSSS...IM SOOOO GOING TO KILL U AMY!hahaha..

  2. Zatil: Kihkih.. Dont worry, I takkan mention name die pon.. Huhu..

    Mok: Hero ape plak mok?


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